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Monday, 28 November 2016
My Reflection of Y6
This year I learned how to use a protractor and how to use it
An important decision I made this year was volunteering for milk. Milk is a pretty hard job to do and it is a really important job to give the school there milk. So that's why I chose to do it.
One goal I accomplished this year was actually riding a bike. I could never really ride a bike in the past years and now I can finally ride one. Which is really cool.
This year I tried to be a better person by focusing on my work a bit more and listening more.
My favorite memory from Y6 was actually really had one. I liked everything about Y6 and I guess there was nothing to bad about this year
The funniest thing that has happened the year was when me and my friend Joseph where doing our milk jobs when I came up with a dumb idea to hide in a empty new trash bin and scare someone. But when I got inside the trash can fell on the floor with a loud thud. It hurt but me and Joseph just kept laughing.
One goal I accomplished this year was actually riding a bike. I could never really ride a bike in the past years and now I can finally ride one. Which is really cool.
This year I tried to be a better person by focusing on my work a bit more and listening more.
My favorite memory from Y6 was actually really had one. I liked everything about Y6 and I guess there was nothing to bad about this year
The funniest thing that has happened the year was when me and my friend Joseph where doing our milk jobs when I came up with a dumb idea to hide in a empty new trash bin and scare someone. But when I got inside the trash can fell on the floor with a loud thud. It hurt but me and Joseph just kept laughing.
Thursday, 24 November 2016
My Narrative of Between Two Book ends
I found this easy to make because I had my narrative to copy off of and right it down onto this presentation. Also sorry if it takes a long time for the presentation to load so you may not want to play it but just go through it by pressing the arrows. One thing I did find hard about this was actually nothing, It was a really easy.
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
My Bio-Dome
For inquiry we where learning about what will happen if the world was inhabitable. So e talked about it and then we decided to make bio-domes.We watched a video of a real life bio-dome with people living inside it. We started learning about what are the things we would need in a bio-dome. Next we were sent into groups of three or four and plan what our bio-dome would look like and what it would have inside it. Some groups wanted there's to be giant and some of the groups would have it made simple and small. My group wanted ours to be simple so we planned it just to be three stories high. We planned to have a grass land room where crops would grow and animals inside it. The second place was gonna be the living area where people could sit and watch TV and go and eat. Also it's where the kitchen is. The last room is the tech room otherwise known as the lab.This is where we test things and where the power storage. Also a recyclable water machine. Where it recycles bad water into pure water.
So yea I guess that's it.
So yea I guess that's it.
My Narrative Plan
We where reading a story called between two ends and my teacher wanted us to make a narrative about a character in the story. But first we had to make a plan so we made this. We made three columns. The first column is a summary about a chapter in the story. I found this part easy because we had a retell of the story on our TV screen. The second column is about what the main character and other people in the story including the character that we chose are feeling. It was kinda easy because we had to read the story a little bit to understand what they were feeling. The last column is just about the character we chose and how he/she is feeling. It was easy really because we had to just read the story or look at the retelling on the TV.
Monday, 14 November 2016
Pirate Ship Construction
This was a ship my group made for maths. We had to make a net for it first, the teacher showed us a simple net to make a simple pirate ship. We had to do a lot of measuring and fixing up lines and also rubbing out. We made nets out of clicko so we could see how to make the 3-D shape. If you don't know what a net is then I'll tell you. It just a a bunch of 2-D shapes that make up a 3-D shape. When we made the nets we copied them down onto the paper but bigger because the clicko is small. We measured six centimeters for each line and used a protractor to keep our lines straight. We had to make a net for a triangular prism a cube and a rectangular prism. After we finished making the nets we had to draw on flaps to connect the shapes together. After that we made the ship.
So that's how we made our pirate ship.
So that's how we made our pirate ship.
Diary Post T4 W6
In the last 5 weeks of T4 we did some pretty cool stuff and here are some of them.
For inquiry we made Paper Mache planets and we made bio-spheres out of cardboard and fabrics also dough to make the little things inside. It was fun making the inside and painting the planets and the biosphere. These where for the inquiry show in our auditorium.
Brain breaks were fun, we played different games but we mostly would play 3 step dodge ball. This is how the game is played. Some people have a ball in there and some people don't. The people who don''t have balls in there hands got to run around the place. But the people with the balls can only take three steps then throw. When you get out you have to know who got you out so when the person who got you out gets out you get to come back in the game.
In the last 5 weeks we read this book called between two ends. It was a book that had adventure, suspense and action. I was really hooked into the book and would usually put my and to make a prediction or just an answer to a question. Sadly when we finished the book my class thought that there would be a part two but the there was not. We all started predicting what would happen in the next book.
Maths was good. We had to make a net of a treasure chest also a pirate ship. Some people went to go and make a treasure chest and some went to go make the pirate ship. The pirate ship net we had to make was simple. It was a cube on top of a rectangular prism and a triangular prism in front of the rectangular prism. The maths part was when we had to measure how long the cube would be and make sure that the lines were straight. After my little group was done our ship was a little ship and there was another ship that was bigger than ours.
So these are some of the things we did over the past few 5 weeks of T4.
For inquiry we made Paper Mache planets and we made bio-spheres out of cardboard and fabrics also dough to make the little things inside. It was fun making the inside and painting the planets and the biosphere. These where for the inquiry show in our auditorium.
Brain breaks were fun, we played different games but we mostly would play 3 step dodge ball. This is how the game is played. Some people have a ball in there and some people don't. The people who don''t have balls in there hands got to run around the place. But the people with the balls can only take three steps then throw. When you get out you have to know who got you out so when the person who got you out gets out you get to come back in the game.
In the last 5 weeks we read this book called between two ends. It was a book that had adventure, suspense and action. I was really hooked into the book and would usually put my and to make a prediction or just an answer to a question. Sadly when we finished the book my class thought that there would be a part two but the there was not. We all started predicting what would happen in the next book.
Maths was good. We had to make a net of a treasure chest also a pirate ship. Some people went to go and make a treasure chest and some went to go make the pirate ship. The pirate ship net we had to make was simple. It was a cube on top of a rectangular prism and a triangular prism in front of the rectangular prism. The maths part was when we had to measure how long the cube would be and make sure that the lines were straight. After my little group was done our ship was a little ship and there was another ship that was bigger than ours.
So these are some of the things we did over the past few 5 weeks of T4.
Friday, 14 October 2016
Thursday, 15 September 2016
Camp Merc: Show Don't Tell
My class and I have been how to write feelings but without telling them but showing them. For example if I was scared I wouldn't say "I was scared" instead I would say "My legs were shaking". This was called Show don't tell. So our teacher set us a task to make a recount about going to Camp Merc but we were not allowed to tell how we felt but we had to only show how we felt. So yea this is mine and what I have done.
My Certifacte
Camp Merc was a cool place to go to and all the Year 6 kids (well most of them) came along and we all did some cool activities. My favorite activity was giants ladder. We had to put on some things that were called Caribbeans. It was pretty scary climbing up and reaching for the ladders. It kinda sucked because we didn't do any water activities only 2 groups got to. Well camp is a really cool place to go and the activities are awesome.
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Whale Rider Bias
So my class and I were learning what Bias is and we found out that bias can form in different ways and mostly has something to do with people, and it is only focusing on one side of a story. My teacher shared us a doc of Chapter 8 in the Whale Rider Story. My teacher asked us if we could highlight where Koro was showing bias to Kahu. I thought it was hard to find where Koro was showing Bias to her because,
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Thursday, 18 August 2016
The Life-cycle of a Moth
So we were reading a book called the green book. It was like sci-fi book when people go to different planets because earth was inhabitable. We found out that one of the planets had giant moths there. So our teacher got us to research moths and there life cycle. So that's when we made this.The life cycle of a moth.
Friday, 17 June 2016
Fraction of a set
So I thought that this was pretty hard because fractions aren't my kind of thing. The easy thing about this was doing the unit fractions I find them easy. My goal is to get better at doing my fractions.
Diary Post T2 W7
So my class and I have been doing some great learning over the past few weeks. Here are the things we have done.
Last week my class and I did a Matariki rotation with Year 4 students. (It is about the celebration of the 7 sisters stars).We did a lot of different activities as we went through class after class. After all of that some trainee teachers did a play of a modern like version of the 7 sisters. It was funny and cool to watch.
We started a thing called SDL (AKA) Self Directed Learning. It's a when you get a set of tasks to do for a week. It's good for our learning skills. We always do SDL on laptops. I liked doing this because some of the activities were easy.
So that's what we have been doing for the last few weeks and I have enjoyed all of it especially the Matariki rotation.
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
My Grid Value Portrait
Grid Value Portraits
Last term my class and I have been making some grid value portraits. If you don't know what a grid value portrait is, well then I'll tell you. It is a type of art that uses grids like squares.we took pictures of our class mates individual. The pictures we took of our self's were in black and white which would make it easier to see where to make one square darker or lighter. Also when the pictures came out we had to rule them down and across. Then we got a huge paper that had grids. Afterwards we had to look at our picture to see if we could see were to make light patterns or a dark pattern. In the end we made our self's out of light and dark patterns. Also we were inspired by the artist Chuck Close, we found out that he went through hard times but he never gave up.
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Persuasive Techniques in Commercial
Commercial Reflection
I was learning how to use persuasive techniques.
What was the task? Well we had to make a advertisement to get the parents to make their kids holidays awesome! Our class was learning how to get the parents attention by using these 6 different ways on how make it appeal to the parents so that they might take our advice. These are the 6 techniques we used to get the persons(parents) attention. Slogan, band wagon, expert opinion, testimonial, emotional appeal and reputation. Our group used Slogan and Expert opinion. I was made the Expert opinion and our slogan was Free and Cheap! We could improve in our voicing act a bit.
What was the task? Well we had to make a advertisement to get the parents to make their kids holidays awesome! Our class was learning how to get the parents attention by using these 6 different ways on how make it appeal to the parents so that they might take our advice. These are the 6 techniques we used to get the persons(parents) attention. Slogan, band wagon, expert opinion, testimonial, emotional appeal and reputation. Our group used Slogan and Expert opinion. I was made the Expert opinion and our slogan was Free and Cheap! We could improve in our voicing act a bit.
Wednesday, 6 April 2016
Term 1 Week 10
So for the last few other weeks my class and I have been doing some pretty awesome things.
For art we are doing some cool pixel ART!!! It's really fantastic if you don't know what it is I'll tell you. It's when you make art but out of pixels on a computer. My teacher told me and my class to do it on a spread sheet on our google drive. I made some knights, my friend made batman and my class made all something different.
Next we did some more youth town but sadly this was there last day with us so yea. We played a new game called Non Stop Dodge ball. It goes like this, so if you have a ball in your hand you can't move with the ball you can only pivet it means that you move with one leg going around you so you can aim at someone. Oh and also if you don't have a ball you can just run around. No head shots.
Oh yea and we also did this eater egg hunt. We had to choose our group but only four people. I was in a group with my friend Joseph, Gabriel and Kayden. We were a bit lost in the start but we managed to figure them out. We didn't come 1,2 or 3 but we still got Easter eggs for persevering.
So yea that's what I did!
Friday, 18 March 2016
Term 1 Week 5
Another thing we did in the last four weeks was Youth town. If you don't know what that is I'll tell you. Youth town is a like a sport you do with these guys. They come to our school and play sport with us and teach us new games. Like capture the flag where two teams have there own territory. The point of the game is to capture the flag and if somebody tags you on there side your stuck on that side, but a person can save you by grabbing your hand. The team that captures the flag wins the round and in the end witch ever team has the most points win.
In the last four weeks we did some art. We are using patterns to create our own face. Here's what we did,
- First we done some patterns from light to dark.
- Then we took pictures of our-self.
- Afterwards we got he pictures and ruled lines down and across.
- Then we had to make a window (or hashtag) so that we could see were we put our patterns.
So there you go, that's what me and my class did at school for the last 4 weeks.
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Artemas Peer mediator
My class and I were learning the roles for how to be a peer mediator. So my teacher split us into groups to make a video of us being a mediator. I thought it was easy to be a peer mediator because you have to have the confidence to talk to people and cope with them. The hard part about this was actually having the confidence.
My Graph
Analyzing Trends
- The most popular jobs that Room 20 want to be is Stunt devil and Kindy teacher
- The least popular job is Black cap, Zoologist, Artist, Actress and Rock climber
I was learning how to use the statistical inquiry cycle. I had to first ask a question then collect the the data and organize it. Afterwards we displayed the data onto my blog then we analyzed the trends. I thought it was easy making this because I just had to wait for the responses and then put it on this graph and then color it and then boom, post it. So there you go. The hard part about making thus was choosing the topic, I thought up of different kind of topics but I couldn't choose one so I chose this one. Next time I may have to choose an interesting topic so I can get a bit more responses.
Friday, 4 March 2016
Whale Rider Triple Bubble Connecting Characters
So we were learning about the book and movie The Whale Rider and decided to make a triple bubble and relate these 2 characters in the book. Koro Apirana and Nanny Flowers. We learned about there personality what they do and made a triple bubble. The third bubble is yourself so that you can find a similarity between them. I thought it was hard because we had to think up of what there personality might be. Next time I may have to think harder about my own personality.
Wednesday, 17 February 2016
Tuesday, 16 February 2016
First Day Description
I thought making this was easy because I had to remember the day and then write it down. The hard part about making this is trying to remember because sometimes I can forget, so I Just wrote down what I had remembered and posted it on to my blog. Also I had to use some of my senses to remember what happened at the time. It was pretty hard. So yea that's what I had to do for this.
Monday, 1 February 2016
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