Another thing we did in the last four weeks was Youth town. If you don't know what that is I'll tell you. Youth town is a like a sport you do with these guys. They come to our school and play sport with us and teach us new games. Like capture the flag where two teams have there own territory. The point of the game is to capture the flag and if somebody tags you on there side your stuck on that side, but a person can save you by grabbing your hand. The team that captures the flag wins the round and in the end witch ever team has the most points win.
In the last four weeks we did some art. We are using patterns to create our own face. Here's what we did,
- First we done some patterns from light to dark.
- Then we took pictures of our-self.
- Afterwards we got he pictures and ruled lines down and across.
- Then we had to make a window (or hashtag) so that we could see were we put our patterns.
So there you go, that's what me and my class did at school for the last 4 weeks.
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